Fees & Forms


  • Individual and parent therapy from $200/hour

  • Testing/Assessments

  • IQ testing for private school admission purposes $425 per assessment

  • School readiness evaluations beginning at $1900

  • Gifted Evaluations beginning at $2100

  • ADHD Evaluation beginning at $2100

  • Full Psychoeducational Evaluation or Reevaluation for learning disability, clinical diagnosis, special education evaluations, and application to College Board/ACT for testing accommodations starting at $4200 (depending on battery to be conducted)

  • Consultation is billed at $200 hour

Shack Psych does not accept direct insurance payment. Patients are responsible for all fees and issued a summary of services provided, including diagnostic coding, on a monthly basis for submission to their insurer for reimbursement purposes.

Credit Cards (VISA, Mastercard, American Express), Venmo, and Checks are accepted.

Sliding scale is available for all services on an as needed basis.


Please download and complete all forms needed. Forms are fillable PDF files.